当前位置:首页 > 技术服务 > CRISPR/Cas9 基因编辑病毒 > 腺相关病毒包装
腺相关病毒( adeno-associated virus,AAV) 是一类细小病毒,基因组为单链DNA,对分裂细胞和非分裂细胞均具有感染能力。通常需要腺病毒或疱疹病毒帮助其在体内复制扩增。重组腺相关病毒(recombinant AAV, rAAV)是利用AAV2 型基因组与不同血清型的衣壳蛋白基因组结合产生的混合体病毒载体,可将目的基因的CDS 区序列或者RNAi 干扰序列插入rAAV 表达质粒中,包装病毒后感染细胞完成对目的基因的操作。腺相关病毒具有感染温和,免疫原性小,长效稳定表达的特点,主要应用于动物体内注射。源井生物提供的腺相关病毒颗粒经过超速离心纯化,并通过qPCR对病毒基因拷贝进行滴定。腺相关病毒的滴度在10^12~10^13GC/ml,可以满足各类整体实验的使用要求。
YKO系列载体 | 载体名称 | 荧光抗性 |
腺相关病毒YKO系列载体 | YKO-AAV001-gRNA | EGFP |
YKO-AAV002-gRNA | mCherry |
YOE系列载体 | 载体名称 | 荧光抗性 |
腺相关病毒YOE系列载体 | YOE-AAV001 | EGFP |
YOE-AAV002 | mCherry |
名 称 | 描 述 | 组织特异性 | 细胞类型特异性 | 参考文献 |
Nes | Rat nestin intron 2 enhancer fused to mouse Hsp68 minimal promoter | Nervous system at embryonic stage | Neural stem/pro-genitor cells | Eur J Neurosci. 9:452 (1997); J Neurosci Res. 59:321 (2000) |
Camk2a_short | Mouse α-calcium-calmodulin dep-endent kinase II promoter (1.3 kb) | Brain | Pyramidal neurons | Neuroscience. 161:441 (2009) |
SYN1 | Human synapsin I promoter | Brain | Mature neurons | Mol Ther. 5:509 (2002) |
Nes | Rat neuron-specific enolase promoter | Nervous system | Various neurons | Neuron. 5:187 (1990); J Mol Neurosci. 8:63(1997) |
GFAP_short | Human glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter (0.68 kb) | Brain | Astrocytes | Glia. 56:481 (2008) |
K14 | Human keratin 14 promoter | Epidermis | Keratinocytes | Gene. 153:297 (1995) |
cTnT | Chicken cardiac troponin T promoter | Heart | Cardiomyocytes | Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 286:C556 (2004); Gene Ther. 18: 43 (2011); Circ Res. 115:354 (2014) |
alphaM-HC_short | Mouse α-cardiac myosin heavy chain promoter (2.8 kb) | Heart | Cardiomyocytes | Neuroscience. 161:441 (2009) |
Myog | Mouse myogenin promoter | Muscle | Myoblasts | Genes Dev. 7:1277 (1993) |
MHCK7 | Composed of enhancer/promoter regions of murine muscle creatine kinase (MCK) and enhancer region of α-myosin heavy-chain genes. | Genes Dev. 7:1277 (1993) | Differentiated postmitotic stria-ted muscle cells | Mol Ther. 15:320 (2007); Sci Transl Med. 9(418) (2017) |
SM22a | Mouse transgelin (a.k.a. Sm22a) promoter | Adult smooth muscle | Vascular smooth muscle cells | J Cell Biol. 132:849 (1996) |
EnSM22a | The chimeric vascular smooth muscle-specific enhancer/promoter (The rabbit myosin heavy-chain enh- ancer inserted upstream of a truncated mouse SM22a promoter) | Adult smooth muscle | Vascular smooth muscle cells | J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 329: 775 (2009) |
Tie1 | Mouse tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin-like and EGF-like domains 1 promoter | Blood vessel | Endothelial cells | J Cell Sci. 115:2075 (2002) |
CD68_short | Human CD68 promoter, short, recommended for in vitro use | Blood | Monocytes and macrophages | Gene Ther. 19:1041 (2012) |
Alb | Mouse albumin promoter | Liver | Mature hepatocytes | Genes Dev. 1:268 (1987) |
TBG | Human thyroxine-binding globulin promoter | Liver | Hepatocytes | Gene. 506:289 (2012) |
MMTV | Mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat (LTR) | Mammary gland | Ductal cells of the salivary gland, mammary epithelial cells | Nucleic Acids Res. 25:4323 (1997) |
HIP | Human insulin promoter | Pancreas | β cells | Cell. 52:773 (1998); Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 100: 6688 (2003) |
Pdx1 | Mouse pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 promoter | Embryonic develo-ping pancreas and adult pancreatic islets | Pancreatic proge-nitor cells and pancreatic β cells | Development. 129:2447 (2002) |
SP-B | Human surfactant protein B promoter | Lung | AT II cells (alveolar type II epithelial cells) and Clara cells (bronchiolar epithelial cells) | J Biol Chem. 270:24852 (1995); Gene Ther. 14:1461 (2007) |
CD144 | Human cadherin 5 (a.k.a. VE-Cadherin) promoter | Lung, heart, ovary, spleen and kidney glomeruli | Vascular endothelial cells | Oncogene. 24:2992 (2005) |
YSH系列载体 | 载体名称 | 荧光抗性 |
腺相关病毒YSH系列载体 | YSH-AAV001-shRNA | EGFP |
YSH-AAV002-shRNA | mCherry |
规 格 | 交付标准 | 应 用 | 周 期 | 价 格 |
标准规格病毒 | 1*10^11 GC | 用于细胞转导 | 2-3周 | 在线咨询 添加官方微信号: 18054268871(手机同号) |
纯化标准规格病毒 | 1*10^12 GC | 用于体内注射 | 2-3周 | |
纯化大包装规格病毒 | 1*10^13 GC | 用于体内注射 | 2-3周 |
血清型 | 组织亲和性 |
AAV1 | SM,CNS,lung,retina,pancreas,heart,liver |
AAV2 | SM,SNS,liver,kidney,retina |
AAV3 | SM |
AAV4 | CNS,retina,lung,kidney |
AAV5 | SM,CNS,lung,retina |
AAV6 | SM,heart,lung,adipose,liver |
AAV7 | SM,retina,CNS,liver |
AAV8 | SM,CNS,retina,liver,pancreas,heart,kidney,adipose |
AAV9 | SM,lung,liver,heart,pancreas,CNS,retina,testes,kidney |
AAVrh10 | SM,lung,liver,heart,pancreas,CNS,retina,kidney |
AAVDJ/8 | SM, liver, CNS, retina |
AAVPHP.eB | CNS(stronger than AAVPHP.B) |
类 型 | 重组慢病毒 | 重组腺病毒 | 重组腺相关病毒 |
来 源 | HIV-1 | 5型腺病毒 | AAV2 |
基因组 | 两条线性的、连续的单链 RNA | 一条线性的、连续的双链DNA | 一条线性的、连续的单链DNA |
基因组⼤小 | 野⽣生病毒:约9.2 kb | 野⽣生病毒:约36 kb | 野⽣生病毒:约4.7 kb |
基因表达时间 | 长时间稳定表达 | 短暂表达 | 长时间表达 |
整合到细胞基因组 | 是 | 否 | 低频整合 |
免疫原性 | 低 | 高 | 很低 |
包装能⼒ | 约6.4 kb | 约8.3 kb | 约4.7 kb |
优 点 | · 应用范围广; | · 转导效率高; | · 免疫原性低; |